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Adorn Your Holiday with Gratitude

When I was growing up, my mom always decorated our Christmas tree the day before Thanksgiving, motivated by past holidays spent with her dad, who made the Christmas season magical. In her adult life, she cherished that experience till Thanksgiving became the gatekeeper to magic! This year, I'm astonished at how quickly retail stores went from aisles filled with candy and costumes for Halloween to Christmas decor as far as the eye can see the very next day. Halloween makes a peculiar gatekeeper of Christmas. Don't get me wrong, part of me is delighted to stretch out the time spent focused on comfort and joy, but I found myself longing for a lull in the decorating to simply take in the gorgeous color of fall. 

As an artist, I am always in awe of the vibrancy of fall leaves. There is no pigment that I can create to match the stunning beauty that the sun, leaves and crisp air create together during the changing of the seasons. Observing the green leaves transform into fuchsia and orange without any help from me makes me appreciate the blessings that I have, that were not my doing. Curiously, the ritual of thinking on the things Im grateful for having been given seems to fill me up with a desire for giving things away! Maybe gratitude is the foundation of generousity. If that is true, then it would be a shame to follow retail's cues and treat Thanksgiving like the middle child of joyful celebrations. Here are some ideas for how to purposly focus on gratitude this Thanksgiving Day.

Take Time to Savor The Flavor of Family Food!

We spend a lot of energy thinking about our food for our health. I'm not suggesting that you overindulge when you eat, but allow yourself to savor the flavors that only come once a year. The bounty of the Thanksgiving meal is evidence of the provision God made especially given most of our food is grown miles away from our influence or efforts. Take time to be mindful of all the things that had to come together for you to enjoy potatoes you didn't grow or bread you didn't bake, with wheat you didn't mill. Consider how many people there were putting effort into the turkey you are cooking, before it made it into your oven. It humbles my spirit to realize how many strangers worked together to make mac'n cheese available for our family. It makes the things I often take for granted, special again!

Start a Gratitude Journal This Year

A pastor once told me, "What you focus on gets bigger." Writing about what we are grateful for centers our focus and creates a record of the elements in life we are most blessed to enjoy. Taking account of all that is bringing you peace, joy, or provision helps form a perspective of bounty. There are lots of forces in place in our culture to keep us distracted or hyper-focused on things we need to worry over. Never before has news reporting been so prolific. For every minute you intentionally aim your mental energies on your blessings, hours of worry are averted. Like a spark to a flame, you can start a fire to warm your spirit in the same fashion you can inflame your spirit with anxiety. Do yourself a favor and make time to think only of what has made your life better.

Provide Acts of Service

Gratitude is a contagious emotion, and lending a helping hand to others provides you with an opportunity to express your deep appreciation for all that you have been given without deserving it. Performing acts of kindness for others can broaden your view of things and help you realize how fortunate you are. Consider writing a note to a friend you have not seen in a while, expressing your appreciation for their friendship. Take a moment to thank the check-out clerk for bagging your groceries. You could also purchase gift cards to give to individuals you encounter who are going through a rough patch. These small gestures require you to shift your focus away from your own problems, giving your thinker a breather, allowing your heart to expand.

List and Reflect on What You Have Now That You Didn't at the begining of this year

Think of friendships you formed or ways you improved your health. A new pet you aquired or things you repaired. Maybe you gained a wisdom that someone shared to encourage you. Did your faith grow larger after enduring and overcoming something? Even a great dentist report is something to be grateful for. Did your oldest child graduate or your youngest finally potty train? It is easy to take for granted simple improvements or accomplishments. Taking time to account for all that you have been able to achieve or resolve helps keep gratitude close to the surface.


Prayer is a simple way to connect with the all-knowing. If you struggle to identify what you can appreciate as a blessing in your life, God will assist you. His mere presence will illuminate your worth. When you spend time with the One who is Holy and created you just as you are it expands your understanding of your value. By exploring His heart and His will for the life He has given you, you will infuse your day with purpose and hope that will ultimately fill you with gratitude, which will overflow onto those you love. Nothing generates joy like gratitude.

Have a joyful Thanksgiving y'all!

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