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3 Keys to Spiritual Growth in 2024

As we embark on the journey of a new year, I've been reflecting on the past year in my business. To kickstart my year-end review, I used questions from a podcaster I follow to prompt reflection. One question in particular made me pause, "Who or what have I learned the most from in 2023?"

Last year, as I transitioned my art and design business into an e-commerce store, I encountered a significant learning curve, having grossly underestimated how much learning would be required to pull it off. I was building a website, creating an online store front, learning how to produce digital art, digitally editing traditional art, finding a print on demand provider, planning social media promotion, learning how SEO works and impacts all of the above and navigating it all on a new tech device.....sheesh! Narrowing down who or what taught me the most during that learning marathon took a minute.

To speed the process along, I decided to look through my journals from last year. Upon reviewing those moments of introspection, I came to realize that the most impactful source of learning in 2023 wasn't the numerous influencers on YouTube or the online classes. Instead, it was my quiet time with God. I'm not discounting the volumes of technical learning, but what taught me the most was insight that could only come from the One who could see things I couldn't.

Last January, I wrote in my journal that I was frazzled and frustrated from hours of trying to wrap my mind around the new technology that my new path required. I decided to take a walk to clear my head. As I rounded the corner with my pup, I stewed, asking God why learning new tools like Photoshop had to be so hard. I mean, after all, I'm a creative person, so mastering an amazing tool like that should come naturally to me right??"

In the pause after my rant I heard the Holy Spirit gently reply to my rhetorical question, "Tracy, Photoshop is making you teachable again."

That revelation was a gut punch. However, God knew the stress filled learning curve was not the problem, my indignation about the process was.  In that moment, walking with Seeley, God helped me realize my resistance to change was standing between me and the plans He had for my life. His mercifully pointing it out gave purpose to the suffering and helped me push past the frustration.

My journals were filled with many more moments just like this as that frustrating year refused to let up, but for every pout, shout and doubt I offered God in 2023, He met me with words that helped me move past them and see that I could still grow. Remaining open to change and growth played a pivotal role in strengthening my business and my relationship with Him, so I'd like to start this year by sharing with you 3 key takeaway's I gleaned from reviewing my journal entries about my marathon of learning with God. I hope they encourage you as you face 2024 and all it's potential for growth.

1. Reading God's Word keeps things in perspective.

The Bible has a story for nearly every human experience, both good and bad. Romans 8:28 says that God can use anything for good. Even the worst things in life become tools for strengthening character, instilling empathy, and expanding understanding.

When I trusted God with my frustrations, He edited the story I was telling myself about them. Complaints and frustrations made for a terrible first draft. Reading His word reminded me that I was not the first to face hard things. The Bible is filled with examples of how God spoke to, provided for, and made glory from terrible circumstances. How? Matthew 19:26 says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” He just makes a way when it looks like there isn't one.

2. Cultivating Gratitude Daily helps move you forward.

Gratitude is the antidote for self pity. It's easy to feel victimized by life when bad things happen. Intentionally taking time to count your blessings works to counter despair, because what you focus on gets bigger. When you focus on God, your relationship with Him also gets bigger. I had a dear friend tell me once, "When you praise God, He shows up." I think it is actually that He is always there, but when you lift your head in praise, it makes it possible for you to see where He is. Jeremiah 29:13 validates that saying, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

3. Consistent prayer makes God's voice familiar.

Prayer acknowledges that God is with you. It indicates that you are eager to hear His take on things. Consistency in prayer helps you become familiar with His voice, although His voice takes many forms. This Christmas, I came across an article about The Twelve Days of Christmas and learned that the gifts in the song represent elements of the Christian faith. I considered writing about it on this blog, but ran out of time.

During my attempt, I read that the "four calling birds," originally "Colly birds" or black birds, symbolize the four gospels. I considered the comparison of the call to salvation to the call of black birds. The gospel message was loud enough to travel all around the world. I had no idea what the call of black birds sounded like and questioned to myself, "Do black birds even have a call loud enough for anyone to recognize? How will I ever be able to explain that comparison in my blog?"

As soon as I posed the question into the void, a loud noise came from our backyard revealing hundreds of migrating black birds landing in the woods on either side of our yard, chattering so loudly that it sounded like someone cleaning up a huge pile of broken glass. I looked up to the sky and said, "I hear you God, loud and clear." Sometimes God's voice is loudest through the vehicle of impeccable timing. It's not always words, but the moments that catch your attention and make you think.

I'm hopeful that 2024 will hold exciting things that make good use of what I learned last year. I hope paying forward a portion of that to you will bless you in this one. I'm grateful to be doing what I love even if its through a new medium. I deeply value the opportunity to share ideas, insights and inspirations with you this year and want to wish you the best! May God bless the plans He has for us all!


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